The Princess's Stories

Beaumont's Beauty and The Beast
There once was a rich merchant, who had 3 daughters and 3 sons. The youngest was called "The little Beauty"; so she went by the name beauty as she grew up. This made her sisters jealous. The youngest was also better than the sisters because she didn't have pride just because she was rich. She also spent a lot of her time reading books.
All at once the merchant lost all of his fortune, hacing to now live in a small country house. His children would now have to work for a living. The older sister believed that their lovers would marry them, therefore they wouldn't have to leave town. Though the lovers won't consern with the older sisters, they were concerned about beauty.
The father received news that one of his ships made it. The older sisters choose to beg better clothes, and expensive things. When the father asked beauty what she wanted, she replied that she wanted a rose.
Once he came back, the merchant was as poor as before. He was walking home when he got caught in a storm. To keep himself from dying he made his way to a palace. He stayed there for the night when he was about to leave he noticed the roses in the garden. Taking one for his daughter, but he got caught by a beast.
Instead of her father having to stay behind for stealing the rose. Beauty chooses to stay with the beast instead. She felt that this would show her true love for her father, to give up her life instead of his.
The beast is shocked by beauty's kindness and her actions towards him. They eventually get married and the beast turns back into a human prince. Then turns the two older sisters into stone.

Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont
Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont was born in 1711 in Rouen, France. She published "La Belle et la Bête" or Beauty in the best in 1757.