The Princess's Stories
Disney's Anastasia
Disney's Anastasia, portrays a more happy story. Anastasia is still alive and well. Her grandmother is looking for her, and is living in Paris. This tale tells of Anastasia making her way to Paris to reunite with her remaining family.

Truth or False
In the movie, Anastasia's family ran from the Winter Palace during the February Revolution.
False: The Romanov family was far from the Winter Palace, by the time the February Revolution occurred. This was due to the fact the political tension was so strong, during this time they were at the Alexander palace.
In the movie, Anastasia was about eight years old when they ran.
False: She would have been around sixteen the time they fled.
In the movie, she returned to St. Petersburg
False: It wouldn't have been called St. Petersburg, due to how german the name, the Russians changed it to Petrograd.
In the Movie: Her grandmother survived and fled to Paris while looking for Anastasia.
Truth: Anastasia's grandmother did survive the revolution.
False: The grandmother fled back to Denmark, which was her hometown. Her mother hoped for her grandchildren to be alive, but she didn't search for them.
In the Movie: Rasputin was the evil villain who had laid a curse on the Romanov family.
False: Rasputin didn't hate the Romanov family, he was actually close to them. Each of the children had a necklace with his picture. Though he sort of laid a curse on the family, since he partly lead to their demise. Since he was seen as a noble and he did things that weren't seen as things nobles would do, since his theory was that to sin was to get closer to god.
Learn to Do It
Specific Lyrics
You were born in a palace by the sea.
(Anastasia was born in a Palace at Petergof, which is a city on the water)
You rode horseback when you were only three.
(All of the Romanov children were required to learn horseback at a young age)
You made faces and terrorized the cook!
(Anastasia was known as the clown of the family)
Next, you must memorize the names of the royalty.
Kropotkin (zoologist that advocated communism)
Potemkin (battleship, crew rebelled and shot officers in in june 1905)
Botkin (court physician for tsar who treated alexei for hemophilia)
Uncle Vanya (play written by a russian playwriter)
Baron Pushkin (Russian Poet)
Count Anatoly (Russian Industrailist)
Count Sergei (Nicolas' Finacer)