The Princess's Stories
Oannes is apart of Mesopotamian mythology. Oannes has a fish body, but with the body parts of a man underneath. Oannes also is the same myth as Enki and Ea.
The seven sages or Apkallu is the myth that he is a part of. This myth is the telling of how humans were taught how to write and how to do mathematics, but also how to build cities, found temples, make laws, draw borders, divide land, plant seeds, and harvest fruits. Oannes was the one who taught them, and also informed them on how the earth was created.

Triton is a merman in Greek mythology. He is the son of Poseidon and Amphitrite. Poseidon is the god of the sea, and Amphitrite was Poseidon's wife, therefore, Queen of the sea. He plays a messenger for his father Poseidon. Triton is said to always be carrying around a trident and a conch shell. Triton is also the father of Ariel in the little mermaid.

Atargatis considered a main goddess worshipped in Syria. Atargatis was worshipped in the cirty of Ascalon. She is the Fertility Goddess of the Earth and Water. She is also said to be a goddess that influenced the worship of Aprhodite. In greek mythology she is known as Derketo. Her story can be found earliest in 1000 B.C.
Her story goes that she was in love with a human shepherd. Though she accidently kills him. Which leads her to fling herself into the ocean, hoping to become a fish out of guilt. But since she was so beautiful, she couldn't fully become a fish. This left her as a half goddess half fish.

Sirens are the darker version of mermaids. These legends don't include falling in love, saving those from dying in the sea. In fact, these stories tell of the sirens leading people to their death. These creatures are seductive, and they use this to bring death.
The first stories of the sirens came from the Odyssey. In the story, they are travel on a ship when the song is heard. A song that causes everyone to stop, now this usually would cause the ship to crash, leading everyone dead. But a man aboard was smart enough to stuff wax in his ear, along with his crewmates, causing the song to be ignored.