The Princess's Stories

The Little Glass Slipper
Once there was a man who's second with was the proudest woman ever. She had two daughters of her own, who were exactly like her. He also had a daughter who was the best creature in the world. After the wedding the stepmother began to show her true colors, she hated his daughter because she was better than her own. She gave the girl the meanest work of the house. The girl was forced to sleep on a straw bed.
The girl didn't tell her father, for his wife governed him entirely. She had began to be called Cinderwench or Cinderella because she sat down in cinders and ashes.
The king's son was having a ball, and everyone was invited. Cinderella wanted to go to the ball, but she wasn't allowed. Her godmother, however, wouldn't allow Cinderella to be sad about not going. Her godmother granted her wish, creating a coach from a pumpkin, six horses from mice, a coachman from a rat, footmen from lizards. She also turned the clothes she was wearing into gold and silver and a pair of glass slippers. Though Cinderella had to leave the ball before midnight, otherwise everything would disappear.
Cinderella went to the ball multiple times, getting the prince's attention each time. The last time however she ran out of the castle at midnight and she had lost one of her slippers. The prince declared that he would marry whose ever foot would fit into the slipper.
The sisters tried the slipper on, but it failed to fit them. Cinderella jokes about trying on the slipper. Since the man had orders for everyone to try the slipper on, he had Cinderella sit down and he put the slipper on her foot. The slipper fit and she had shown the main the other shoe.
The two sister threw themselves at her feet, begging to pardon them for all their ill-treatment. Cinderella forgave them. She was taking to the young prince, after a few days they married. The sisters were giving lodgings in the palace and married great lords of the court.

Charles Perrault was born on January 12, 1628. He was born in a Paris, France to a wealthy family. He is known for writing the Mother Goose fairy tales. He didn't begin writing fairy tales till he was 70. He eventually died May 16, 1703.