The Princess's Stories

Tiana grew up in New Orleans, with the dream of owning her own restaurant. Tiana worked hard to make her dream a reality. Her friend Charlotte asked Tiana to make beignets, for the masquerade party that was being thrown for prince Naveen.
Tiana went to the ball, and she made a wish upon the evening star for her dream to come true. After the wish, a frog spoke to her. The frog was prince Naveen, who was cursed to become a frog. Only a kissed from a princess could turn him back. He thought Tiana was a real princess.
Tiana didn't want to kiss the frog, but the prince offered her own restaurant. She kissed him, but he didn't turn back into a frog, in fact, she turned to a frog.
Tiana and Naveen ended up in the bayou. The meet an alligator named Louis. Louis knew that Mama Odie could turn him back. On the trip to get to Mama Odie, they became friends.
When they arrived at Mama Odie's they discovered she knew all about magic and human nature. Mama Odie showed that Charlotte was going to be the princess of the day, Naveen had to kiss her before midnight to end the curse.
By the time they arrived they were too late, but they loved each other so it didn't matter. They eventually got married and turned back to humans, because Tiana was officially a princess.