The Princess's Stories

Snow Queen
Once upon a time there lived a wicked goblin who built a magic mirror. One day the mirror broke and its pieces fell all over the earth. A few pieces also fell into a small town where two friends lived.
Kay and Gerda were neighbors and good friends. One day it all change, while playing, bits of broken mirror kit Kay's eyes and one piece pierced his heart. Key no longer viewed Gerda as his best friend, he mad fun of her and hit her.
One day, Kay and his friends decided to go on a sled ride, but a large sled appeared before him. It's driver asked him to come inside and Kay stepped inside. The driver was a woman and she was draped in a white flowing gown with a crown made of ice. She was the Snow Queen.
Gerda waited for Kay to return, she sent garden flowers everywhere, but never got a response. Gerda sat under a tree, weeping when a crow flew down and informed her about a princess who recently married a boy. Gerda grew restless thinking that Kay had married someone else and urged the crow to take her to where the princess was. But the boy wasn't her Kay.
Gerda carried on her search, next she met a robber girl and her reindeer. The reindeer said he had seen the Snow Queen flying away with a boy to Lapland. On the way there, they came across a magician who told them that Kay was there because of a piece of glass inside of him
The Snow Queen's palace was made out of ice. One day, she challenged Kay to spell the word “Eternity” from alphabet ice blocks, promising his freedom in return.
Kay couldn't spell the word, but Gerda had arrived. She embraced him, crying on him. This is when his heart began to melt, a teardrop fell on the alphabet spelling out the word “Eternity.” Kay was free and he went back home with Gerda.

Hans Christian Andersen
Hans Christian Andersen was born in Odense, Denmark, on April 2, 1805. He is a Danish author and he is best known for writing "The Little Mermaid" and "The Ugly Duckling." He also wrote "The Snow Queen."