The Princess's Stories

Cupid and Psyche
Psyche, a beautiful girl, is born after two older sisters. People throughout the land worship her beauty, forgetting about the goddess Venus. Venus plans to ruin Psyche, instructing her son, Cupid, to make her fall in love wit the vilest man alive. But instead Cupid shoots himself with the arrow.
Afraid Psyche will never marry, her father prays to Apollo for help. Apollo instructs her to go to the top of a hill, where she will marry a serpent. She goes to the hill, falls asleep, and wakes up in a mansion.
She lives happily with her husband though never seeing him. One day, he tells her that her sisters have been crying for her. Psyche sisters visit her, but they become jealous of her lifestyle. They convince her she must sneak a look at her husband. Eventually, she turns on a lamp one night as her husband lies next to her.
When she sees Cupid, she weeps for her lack of faith. Cupid leaves her, going back to his mother because love cannot live where there is no trust.
Psyche is searching everywhere for Cupid. She eventually pleas Venus for love and forgiveness. Though Venus just laughs, giving her a task that is impossible. The task is to sort all the seeds that are in a pile. The ants pity her nd sort the seeds. Venus shocked orders that Psyche sleep on the ground and only eat a piece of bread. She survives and Venus orders she retrieves the golden fleece from a river. She almost drowns but still gets it. Venus orders her then to fill a flask from the mouth of the river Styx. An eagle helps her fill the flash. Then Venus challenges Psyche to into the underworld and have Persephone put some of her beauty into a box. Once again, Psyche is successful.
On the way to Venus though, she opens the box and falls asleep. Cupid takes her to Zeus and she is granted immortality.