The Princess's Stories

Once there was a princess named Pocahontas. Pocahontas was always looking for adventure. When she was in trouble, Pocahontas would consult a magic willow tree named Grandmother Willow.
A ship bringing strangers came to the shore. The men were on a hunt for gold and believed that they would claim that land for themselves. One of the men, John Smith, was kind and gentle, spotted Pocahontas. Magic swirled around and they could now understand each other's language. The hanged out and they became friends.
Tensions, however, were building between Pochantas's tribe and the settlers from John's ship. Neither group trusted each other. John and Pocahontas met and they kissed, falling in love. But as they embraced Pocahanta's tribe captured John Smith.
The next day, when the war between the tribe and settlers was to begin. Pocahontas admitted that she was in love with John Smith. The chief freed John though he was injured and had to return home. Pocahontas had to stay, and John Smith left.
Pocahontas and John Smith were both young adults when they met.
Pocahontas was a girl of 11; Smith was a man of 28.
The colonists sailed on the Susan Constant.
The colonists sailed in three ships: the Susan Constant, Godspeed, and Discovery.
John Smith and Pocahontas met in the wilderness and fell in love.
Pocahontas and John became good friends. She ended up marrying someone else.