The Princess's Stories

This story takes place in the deep Arabian Desert, Princess Jasmine lived here with her father the Sultan of Agrabah, and her tiger. Her father said she had to marry soon, but she wanted to marry for love.
In the nearby village, there lived a man named Aladdin and his monkey Abu. He wished to live in the palace.
Jasmine disguised herself as a peasant and ran away from home. She accidently stole an apple, and a guard grabbed her, but Aladdin protected her. Aladdin took her to his house, and they talked about their dreams. Soon the palace guards busted in and seized Aladdin. Then the princess revealed herself and demanded him to be freed. Though the guards refused and he was still taken away.
Though while locked up, an old man helped him escape. Taking Aladdin to the cave of wonders, so Aladdin could retrieve a magic lamp for him. He found the lamp, but the place started to turn into molten lava. The old man wouldn't help him and he was trapped in the cave. Aladdin kept the lamp, and he rubbed it and a genie came out.
With three wishes, Aladdin's first wish to be a prince, and he went to see Jasmine. Flying over the world together they had fallen in love. Jafar the villain of the story had an evil plan, to throw Aladdin into the sea. Aladdin uses his second wish to be saved, but Jafar steals the lamp.
Genie had to serve Jafar, and he was keeping Jasmine prisoner. Aladdin, however, snuck into the palace and tricked Jafar into wishing that he was the all-powerful genie. Aladdin locked him up and went to marry Jasmine.
Genies could also be known a Jinn. A jinn is a mythological creature dating back to 2400 B.C. Jinn are demons or spirits. They are intelligent creatures, and some of them are good some of them are bad. They are also tricksters.
The word Genie came from a french man who was translating "The Arabin Nights." He thought the word Jinni sounded a lot like the french word genie.