The Princess's Stories

Sleeping Beauty
Once upon a time a king and queen were blessed with a beautiful baby girl. Visitors came to celebrate the birth of the princess, including three fairies. Two fairies gave their gifts when Maleficent, the evil fairy, appeared. She gave the princess a curse, that on her 16th birthday the princess would prick her finger and die. The third fairy softens the curse by making it when she gets pricked she would fall in a deep sleep, only to be awakened by true love's kiss.
In fear for their daughter, the king and queen would allow the fairies to raise the child. Over the years, the child grew up, befriending all forest animals. The three fairies called her Briar Rose.
On her 16th birthday, she met Prince Phillip. The very prince that the king and queen planned for her to marry. She knows that she was falling in love with him right away.
When she returns to her cottage, the fairies reveal that they are fairies and she is a princess. She went to the castle, sad because she believed that she was going to be forced to marry someone other than the guy she believed she was in loved with.
Maleficent appeared to make sure the curse would come true. The evil fairy but Aurora under a trance and led her to a spindle. Which is where Aurora pricked her fingers and fell asleep.
The prince found out that this had happened. He went to the castle and he fought his way through the evil fairy. He got rid of her when she turned into a dragon. Once he saw Aurora, he kissed her and they lived happily ever after.

Roman Godess
Aurora is also a Roman god, also Eos in Greek mythology. She was the daughter of the Titan Hyperion and the Titaness Theia and sister of Helios, the sun god, and Selene, the moon goddess.
Her story was that she was the Goddess of Dawn. Every morning she arose, rode her chariot ahead of the sun, sprinkling dew upon the earth.