The Princess's Stories

Long ago in Egypt, there lived a young maiden named Rhodopis. She was born in Greece but was kidnapped by pirates and sold into slavery. Her owner was a kind old man who spent most of his time sleeping. The other girls in the house teased her because she looked different. She had golden curly hair while they had straight black hair. She had green eyes when they had brown. Her skin was pale, easily burnt, while theirs was a copper brown. She had no friends beside the animals.
One evening she was dancing around, seeming lighter than air with her feet barely touching the ground. The old man woke from his sleep and watched her dance. He admired her dancing, so he ordered her a pair of slippers because she was so talented. The other girls were jealous of the rose-red gold leather shoes.
Word arrived that the Pharaoh was holding court and all in the kingdom was invited. Rhodopis couldn't wait to go. The girl, however, was left behind and had to do more chores. While singing a song, a hippo eventually got bored off and splashed her slippers. She left them in the sun to dry, when a falcon sweep down and took them, flying away. She was in awe knowing it was Horus who had taken her shoe. Now she was left with only one.
The Pharaoh, Ahmose was sitting on his throne, feeling rather bored. When suddenly a falcon swooped down, dropping a rose-red golden slipper in his lap. He knew this was a sign from Horus and demanded that all of the maidens try on the slipper, and the owner of the slipper would be his queen.
He eventually came to her home. The other servant girls tried on the slippers but didn't tell the Pharoah they knew who the shoe belonged to. The Pharoah saw Rhodopis hiding in the rushes and asked her to try on the slipper. She slid her foot into the slipper and pulled out the other from her tunic. The Pharaoh then announced she would be his queen.
The other servant girls cried out that she was a slave not even Egyptian, but he responded with "She is the most Egyptian of all...for her eyes are as green as the Nile, her fair as feathery as papyrus, and her skin the pink of a lotus flower."

Horus is an Egypt god is usually seen as a Falcon. He is seen as a god that has the head of a falcon. The kinds of eygpt associate themselves with Horus. So the right eye of Horus represents the sun and power where the left eye represents the moon and healing.

Pharaoh Ahmose
Pharoah Ahmose was the first ruler of the New kingdom and the 18th dynasty. He became ruler around 1550 B.C. at the age of 10, he ruled for around 25 years before his death. His chief wife sister was Ahmose-Nefertiri, she became Egypt's first great God's Wife of Amun.
At this time, Eygpt was sandwiched in between two enemies when Ahmose was born. The north was occupied by Hyksos and to the south there were warlike Nubians. Both his father and older brother fell death to the Hyksos.