The Princess's Stories

Nourie Hadig
Once upon a time there lived a rich couple, the woman asked the new moon every month if she was the most beautiful in the world. The moon always replied that she was.
The woman gave birth to a girl named Nourie Hadig. She grew more beautiful as she grew up. One day her mother asked who was the most beautiful, the moon replied that Nourie Hadig was more beautiful.
The mother became sick with jealousy. The mother asked her husband who was more important her or their daughter. The husband couldn't answer. The mother then insisted that they kill their daughter.
The father felt that he needed to cure his wife, and demanded that his daughter go into the forest. The father told her to wait for him to return.
Nourie waited for many days, but her never came. She searched for him but stumbled on a house instead. She discovered a sleeping handsome man in the house. A disembodied voice told her that she had to take care of him for seven years, and then he would wake up.
Three years passed, and Nourie had taken care of the sleeping prince. One night the mother asked the moon if she was the most beautiful, for the first time after she thought that Nourie was dead. The moon still said that Nourie was the most beautiful. The women didn't understand, the mother still asked every mouth, who was the most beautiful.
Another year passed, and Nourie cried because she was lonely. A gypsy girl eventually came and helped her take care of the prince.
One day the prince woke up when the Gypsy girl was in the room. The prince decided that he would marry her. Even though Nourie loved the prince she didn't say a word about the marriage. All she asked for was the Stone of Patience.
If the Stone of Patience sees your troubles too great to repair it will swell and break wide open. The prince gave the stone to Nourie and she told her tale.
She told of her father leaving, and how she took care of the prince. When she asked if she was more patient the stone broke.
The prince finally realized Nourie saved him and she became the Princess of Adana. Her mother found out, and she was now able to find her daughter.
Nourie put the ring her mother left, and she fell asleep. The prince looked after her. One day a healer realized what was wrong and took the ring off.
The mother asked one more time who was the most beautiful, she died of shock when she heard her daughters name. Nourie and the prince lived happily ever after.
Armenia is located east of Turkey. Armenia was the smallest former soviet republics. It's a mountainous country. It also was the first country to embrace Christianity in 300 A.D.