The Princess's Stories

Disney's Megara
In the Disney film, Meg, sold her soul to Hades in order to save her boyfriend prince Adonis's life, who soon left her for another woman. Meg vows never to fall in love again.
She is first introduced when she is being harassed by Nessus the centaur in a river. Hercules steps in on her behalf and saves her. She introduces herself and then quickly leaves.
She shows up again telling Hercules about two little boys being trapped under a boulder. Hercules rescues them and Meg is impressed by his determination.
When Hercules goes on a winning streak, Hades decides to use Meg as a pawn. She refuses, but Hades promises her freedom if she succeeds and if not her soul will stay with Hades forever.
By the end of the day, Meg had fallen for Hercules. When Hades ask her for Hercules's weakness, she replied with none. Though Hades realizes that Meg is Hercules weakness.
Hades interrupts Hercules' training and makes Meg appear. Hades uses Meg to try to get Hercules to give up his strength for the return of Meg's safety. Hercules makes the deal, even though Meg tried to stop him.
When Hades sets Meg free, but Hades forces her to watch Hercules get humiliated. Meg finds him and helps Hercules regain his self-confidence and bravery.
Hercules then manages to defeat the Cyclops using his wits. Meg sees a pillar falling and pushes Hercules out of the way. She is crushed by the pillar, but this breaks Hades' contract and Hercules regains his strength.
Hercules saved Olympus from Hades and races back to Meg. Meg had died seconds before he arrived. Hercules then travels to the Underworld and rescues her soul and returns her back to life. Hercules then give up his chance to be a deity on Mount Olympus to live human life on Earth with her.

Greek Mythology
In greek mythology, Megara's story is sadder. She was the first wife of Hercules. She was given to marry Hercules, by her father King Creon. She was given to Hercules because he defeated the Minyans.
Hera interfered once when it came to Megara's life. Hercules came home to his wife and his children almost about to be killed. Hera caused him to fall into a state of delusion and rage. He killed Megara and his children.