The Princess's Stories

Real Pocahontas
Pocahontas was born Matoaka, the name Pocahontas was a nickname that meant the spoiled child or naughty one. Matoaka’s tribe was located in Virgina. She met John Smith because she helped the colonist not die from starvation. She was only 11 when John was 28.
On April 13th, 1613 AD, Samuel Argall, an English explorer, captured Matoaka to random for some English prisoners held by her father. During her captivity, John Rolfe took notice in her. He eventually made a deal that if she married him, she would be realeased.
In 1617, Pochahintas was on her way back to Virgina. But she never made it because she was taken off the ship at Gravesend and died on March 21, 1617. Theories of her death range from smallpox, pneumonia, or tuberculosis, to her having been poisoned.